Mergers & Acquisitions & Restructuring

Decision makers can assess the desirability of mergers and acquisitions by simply entering the relevant data (or have Predyct Analytics enter the relevant data) for both companies into the Predyct ERM model. Predyct ERM automatically combines the balance sheets and profit and loss statements of both companies and provides all the output on the combined companies that it provides on any single company. Capital adequacy, profitability and inferred ratings can be immediately assessed on the acquisition. The same is true for assessing the impact of divestitures or virtually any type of restructuring. The user can ask virtually any type of "What If" question. For example:


Mergers & Acquisitions — What happens to a company’s risk and return if it:


Scenario Analysis — What if:


Restructuring Activity — What happens to a company’s risk and ?nancial return if it: